Based in Melbourne, Australia.


Simple Logger Function for Verify Access

Simple Logger Function for Verify Access



Logging in Verify Access isn't anything new, I even wrote about the performance implications, however I've always found it a little cumbersome writing out the traceString() function and never found it easy to grep through logs, correlate trace statements together or provide any sort of consistency - especially on big projects with other administrators also working on the codebase.

The solution is a searchable, standard logging object that can be used repeatably throughout mapping rules in Verify Access (or formally known as IBM Security Access Manager (ISAM)).


This logger function also allows for simple integration into tools such as Logstash/Kibana.

Importing Logger Utils

You can download the mapping rule from GitHub here:

To import the mapping rule, simply use:


Configuring the Logger Function

The logger object in loggerUtils_lightweight creates a simple, easily searchable standard logging object.

Importing the mapping rule initializes the logger object so you can call it straight away.

timeCurrent time of trace statement
deltaTime since last trace statement
totalTotal time since logger was initiated
instApplication name
msgEvent ID, e.g. SUCCESS, ERROR, VERBOSE, etc.
correlationTransaction ID to group logger statements together for a given transaction
detailsExtra text passed into the logger.log() function

Logger Events

Some events are considered a "terminal action". Most mapping rules should have a single task to achieve. The terminal log is the overall result from the mapping rule.
Essentially there should only ever be one terminal event per mapping rule - although in some specific cases such as a link & login, there might be two.

EventLevelTerminalRuntime LevelComments
SUCCESSLOG_SEVEREyesDETAILOperation completed successfully
ERRORLOG_SEVEREnoDETAILSomething went wrong. An API failed/etc. Ideally, this should be something that went wrong in Verify Access or one of our back-end API's
CONTEXTLOG_FINEnoFINEAdd some context for another event - some user specific attributes you don't always want traced
DEBUGLOG_FINERnoFINERPut all the detailed logging here - response codes (and maybe bodies) from HTTP calls/etc.
VERBOSELOG_FINESTnoFINESTFull details here. Log all request/response payloads. Log the STSUU. Before and after mapping rule dumps, etc.


The timer function allows us to track how long certain operation took.
For any call to an external API - wrap it in a:

Using the timer function
// and

When the log is written - any completed timers will be written as timer_{ string }.


To log an event, print: logger.log(EVENT, "message");

// Start all rules with something like this:
logger.program = "application-name"; // Should written in kebab-case
logger.log(VERBOSE, "Begin Rule SampleRule.js. STSUU is: " + stsuu.toString());

// Trace an error:
logger.log(ERROR, "Something went wrong. Error: " + errorMessage);

// Print a success event:

// End all rules with something like this:
logger.log(VERBOSE, "End Rule SampleRule.js. STSUU is: " + stsuu.toString());
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